Medical Alert Advice Blog

Advice For Caregivers


In a Medical Emergency, Save Your Loved One and Their Door!

Have you thought about how to access your loved one’s home in the case of an emergency? I’m sure you have a key, but is there a neighbor nearby with one as well?  It’s a good idea to have something as simple as “who has a key to my parent’s house” sorted-out, in advance.


So You Bought A Medical Alert System, But Mom Won’t Wear it!

So you spent some time on our website gathering information and learning about medical life alert systems and how they operate. You’ve read reviews on our site such as the Bay Alarm Medical review and finally decided that a medical alert system is a great option for your loved one.  You placed your order, got […]


Which Medical Alert Monitoring System is Best?

This question is not as easy as it seems. Medical alert monitoring systems are not off the shelf products that you buy at your local convenience store.  Because of this, it can be difficult to compare systems “apples-to-apples.”  Comparing medical alert systems itself is only half of the battle.  You need to also focus on […]


Part-Time Caregiving Can Be a Full-Time Job

Part-time caregiving can actually be a full time job. There are houses to be cleaned, meals to be prepared, and doctor appoints to be kept.  As you parents or loved ones get older, you may become involved in one or more of these everyday activities.


How To Warm-Up Your Loved One To The Idea of a Medical Alert Monitoring System

Did you know (according to one major service provider) that approximately 75% of all medical alert monitoring systems are purchased by adult children for their aging parents?  Did you also know that you are probably going to get some resistance from your parents when you approach them with the idea of a medical alert system?