As the world grapples with the devastating effects of COVID-19, many people are seeking ways to show their love and support without risking infection themselves. Few groups could benefit more from a little encouragement than the senior community, which faces a staggering mortality rate, from the Novel Coronavirus, between 3.6% and 14.8% (ages 60-80+).
Studies show that numerous health benefits come from maintaining a positive outlook in life, including improved coping skills, lower cholesterol, increased heart health, and boosted immune systems.
For this reason, in this article, we’re going to review 4 simple ways to make a senior’s day during a pandemic.
Send Your Support Through Written Word
Who doesn’t love getting a letter in the mail? A hand-written note is a great way to encourage those less fortunate than ourselves. Can you imagine being part of a group that’s facing staggering odds from a virus that’s spreading across the globe? For this reason, your letters should be filled with upbeat, positive words, rather than focusing on the doom and gloom of the landscape.
Here are a few tips to help set the tone:
- Create a positive first impression
Start by introducing yourself and sharing some details they might find interesting.
- Keep the tone light
Rather than mentioning any negatives, focus on the positives. Tell them how great it is to see people working together during a difficult time. Or, keep the pandemic out of the conversation entirely. Try mentioning your children or pets instead, or talk about a recent uplifting story you might have heard.
- End by offering encouragement
Let them know of any good news you’ve heard, perhaps of any progress made against COVID-19. Try offering a few suggestions on how to stay safe, such as how to wash their hands properly, or to not touch their faces. Be sure to end your letter by reminding them that they are loved and not forgotten. Be sure to include your letter in a plastic sleeve. This allows the caretakers to easily clean them before handing them over.
Put Together a Care Package to Brighten Their Day
If you’re more of a hands-on type of person, you can also create a care package filled with small trinkets of support. To help prevent the spread of Coronavirus, be sure to stick with items that are easily wiped down by caretakers and are in their own packaging. You can also include products to help them stay safe, like hand sanitizer, anti-bacterial wipes, latex gloves, and face masks.
If you have children, be sure to have them assist when putting together a care package. A few suggestions include drawings, macaroni collages, uplifting notes, and poems.
Here are a few additional ideas that will be appreciated and enjoyed:
- Greeting cards (in plastic sleeves if possible)
- Healthy snacks
- Anything that sends the message that brighter days are ahead
Volunteer Your Time
Just because the world has come to a screeching halt doesn’t mean we don’t all still have things to do. Sadly, for seniors, their options for completing their errands are limited, or too much of a risk to take. Here’s where you come in. Your first thoughts might be of the seniors in your immediate circle, but a nursing home or a place for seniors can surely use your support as well. Be sure to call beforehand to inquire how you might be of assistance.
A few possibilities include:
- Meal prep
- Letter/package mailing
- Dry cleaning
- Emotional support
- Blood donation
- Donations of other needed items
Video Chat (Solo or With Your Family)
It’s hard to not feel lonely while self-isolating, so why not schedule a video call with a senior in your community? While it’s vital to keep the tone light, remember that they also might like to vent their frustration. If you have a family you are spending your time with, why not invite them to be a part of it? You can also play games, like truth-or-dare, would-you-rather, never-have-I-ever, or charades.
Remember, many seniors are new to video calls, so you might have to guide them through setting one up. Some of the most straightforward platforms we’ve found include FaceTime, Skype, and Zoom (they’re also free).
All it Takes is a Kind Heart and a Little Effort to Make Someone Else’s Day
One day this will all be over. Wouldn’t it feel good to be able to look back on this time knowing you helped in some small way? Turn off the TV, put down your phone, and take the first step towards assisting a senior member of your community through a little love and support.
Thanks for reading, and please accept our appreciation for your continued efforts.