Why Not Just Add a Wireless Medical Pendant To Your Security System?

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Updated: June 2, 2015


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Our Free Medical Alert Buyer’s Guide Makes It Easy!

So you were talking with your neighbor, and she mentioned that she had her security company simply add a wireless medical pendant to her security system  If she needs medical attention, all she has to do is press the button, and they will contact the emergency medical service (EMS) for her.  Doesn’t sound like a bad idea, but is it?

Well, it’s not a bad idea.  At least you could have some help, if needed, but is it the best idea?  Probably not.  Having a dedicated system to the task is definitely preferred.  It’s kind of like going to a specialist for a specific medical condition.  Your primary care doctor could give you medical advice, but a specialist knows your condition better than anyone.  So what are the main differences?

  1. Most dedicated medical alert monitoring systems have two-way voice capabilities.  This is hands-down the main reason to have one.  Just the fact of being able to talk to a trained medical monitoring operator can really help in giving the proper information to the EMS and keeping you calm at the same time.
  2. Top medical alert monitoring companies have their operators trained in medical alert dispatching.  Most security companies train their operators for general security and fire alarm dispatching.  Kind of like the primary doctor and the specialist, right?
  3. The software programs that the medical alert monitoring companies use are customized for medical monitoring use.  Why is that important to you?  It allows the medical monitoring company to store and provide to the first responders more specialized information about you.
  4. Medical alert monitoring systems can provide activity monitoring services more easily.  Maybe you hurt your back and can’t get out of bed and your medical alert pendant is on the kitchen table.  Activity detection could send a signal to the medical alert monitoring company letting them know that you haven’t checked in with the system that day.
  5. Some medical alert monitoring systems have built-in medication reminders.  They can simply sound a tone and flash a light when it’s time to take your medication.
  6. Medical alert monitoring system main consoles typically have large built-in emergency buttons that can provide easy use in the dark if your console is near your bed at night.

As you can see, simply having a button to press to summons the  emergency medical service is better than nothing, but is it really good enough?  When you have a serious medical condition that requires a specialist, are you going to settle for the services of a primary care doctor?  Most likely not.  Medical alert monitoring is all about life and death.  Get yourself the best.  Go with the specialist.