What is GreatCall’s Mailing Address?
GreatCall Customer Service
P.O. Box 4428
Carlsbad, California 92018
GreatCall, Inc.
10935 Vista Sorrento Pkwy #200
San Diego, CA 92130
What is GreatCall’s Website?
What is GreatCall’s Phone Number?
Is GreatCall BBB Rated? Yes, GreatCall is accredited by the BBB. See GreatCall’s Better Business Bureau Rating.
What Types of Services Does GreatCall Offer? GreatCall offers simple to use mobile phones for seniors with integrated 5* medical alert buttons, dedicated urgent response devices, and health management apps. This is a great service to help keep your elderly loved ones connected.
What Products Does GreatCall Offer? GreatCall offers mobile phones made specifically for seniors, such as the Jitterbug Touch and the Jitterbug5. They also have the GreatCall Splash which is a mobile urgent response device with optional fall detection and Lively. These all work on nationwide cellular networks. Each device has access to 5Star Urgent Response which has agents available to help with many situations, Urgent Care which gives you 24/7 access to registered nurses and board certified doctors, and GreatCall Link which helps you stay connected with family and friends. There are also other apps and features available.
How long has GreatCall Been in Business? Since 03/01/2005 according to the Better Business Bureau
Does GreatCall Service My Area? GreatCall services the entire U.S.
How Do I Get The GreatCall Service? GreatCall can be ordered on-line or by phone. They are also available in stores.
Is GreatCall on social media? Yes, GreatCall maintains the following social media presence:
What Other Brands Are Related To GreatCall? Jitterbug, 5Star Urgent Response, Lively
Have you reviewed GreatCall’s medical alert services? Yes! Please see our GreatCall Review here.