What is LifeFone’s Mailing Address?
MSS Electronics, Inc.
16 Yellowstone Ave
White Plains, NY 10607-1324
What’s LifeFone’s Website?
What is Lifefone’s Phone Number?
Is LifeFone BBB Rated? Yes, Lifefone is accredited by the BBB. See LifeFone’s Better Business Bureau Rating.
What Types of Services Does LifeFone Offer? LifeFone has a full range of medical alert service options which include traditional 2-way voice systems, GPS tracking, fall detection
What Products Does LifeFone Offer? LifeFone offers a full range of medical alert systems which include: Medical alert systems with 2-way voice, senior fall detection, no phone line cellular options, GPS, smartphone apps, smoke and CO detection
How long has LifeFone Been in Business? Since 01/01/1976 according to the Better Business Bureau
Does LifeFone Service My Area? LifeFone services the entire U.S.
How Do I Order LifeFone Service? LifeFone can be ordered on-line or by phone
How Can I Cancel My LifeFone Service? To cancel your LifeFone service, contact them by phone to let them know you wish to cancel. LifeFone allows you to cancel service at any time.
Is LifeFone on social media? Yes, LifeFone maintains the following social media presence:
Have you reviewed the LifeFone medical alert? Yes! Please see our LifeFone Review here.