What is 1-800-MED-ALERT’s Mailing Address?
Newport Beach, CA 92660
What is 1-800-MED-ALERT’s Website?
What is 1-800-MED-ALERT’s Phone Number?
Is 1-800-MED-ALERT BBB Rated? Yes, see 1-800-MED-ALERT’s Better Business Bureau Rating
What Types of Services Does 1-800-MED-ALERT Offer? 1-800-MED-ALERT offers no long term contracts or commitments, no cancellation fees (cancel any time), 30-day money back guarantee, and free equipment
What Products Does 1-800-MED-ALERT Offer? 1-800-MED-ALERT offerings include their In Home Only Medical Alert System, In and Around the House Alert System, and their Go Anywhere Medical Alert System. Having a reliable medical alert system for your senior loved ones can give you peace of mind.
How long has 1-800-MED-ALERT Been in Business? Since 01/01/1995 according to the Better Business Bureau
Does 1-800-MED-ALERT Service My Area? 1-800-MED-ALERT services the entire U.S.
How Do I Order 1-800-MED-ALERT Service? 1-800-MED-ALERT can be ordered on-line or by phone