Medical Alert Advice Blog

Health and Safety



Apple Watch & Fitbit Bring New Era of Health Monitoring Devices

Today’s modern technology is making it easier to take charge of your health and be alerted to any abnormal changes our bodies may be experiencing. The Apple Watch is a device that connects to your iPhone and is worn on your wrist. Besides giving you the time and working as an actual watch, it notifies […]


Medical Alert Systems Keep Older People Safe

Medical Alert Systems Keep Older People Safe

  “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up”. We have all heard the phrase and seen the commercials but unless you are in a situation where this can happen to yourself or someone you love then you don’t truly grasp the catch phrase. Ultimately, the goal of these commercials is to let consumers know that […]


Apple watch showing fall detection worn on wrist

Apple Watch Fall Detection – Which Apple Series Detects Best?

As technology advances, seniors have access to more and more options when it comes to monitoring their health, safety, and well-being. The latest tech news was first introduced with the Apple Watch Series 4 and continues with the Series 5, Series 6, Series 7, Series 8, Series 9 and now the Series 10 which was […]


Medical alert systems for pregnant women

Who Would Benefit From a Medical Alert System? Not Just Seniors!

Have you noticed how most TV commercials or magazine ads portray those that use home medical alert devices as seniors? It’s a natural assumption that these systems are indeed only for the elderly because we’ve been trained to think so.  However, the truth is that a medical alert system is truly ideal for nearly anyone […]



The History of Life Alert Services For Seniors

Life alert services date back to 1972 when a psychology professor called Dibner came up with an idea of helping the elderly get emergency help even when they could not get to their telephones. Dibner thought that such a device would save many seniors’ lives by getting them the help they need as soon as […]



When Was 911 Invented – It’s History & Origin

Feeling safe begins with the specific safeguards that are out there that provide the person with a sense of comfort and security. 911 is one of these comforts that people use whenever they are in distress and need help. The 911 telephone number is able to provide your home with firefighters, paramedics for medical emergencies, […]


dementia in seniors

Ten Dementia Warning Signs You Need To Know

Contrary to common thought, dementia is not a disease in and of itself.  Rather, dementia is an umbrella term which encompasses any type of decline in mental ability that is severe enough to impact a person’s ability to perform their everyday activities.  The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer’s Disease, which accounts for 60 […]


seniors in the care of others - elder abuse

Educate Yourself About Elder Abuse

According to the National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA), one in every ten Americans age 60 and over experience elder abuse each year, many of them in multiple ways such as physical abuse, sexual abuse, and emotional or psychological abuse. Unfortunately, this is a crime that is severely under-reported, as it is estimated that only […]


alzheimers disease prevention

6 Ways to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, someone in the United States develops Alzheimer’s Disease once every 67 seconds.  It is the sixth leading cause of death in America, and out of the top 10 causes of death, it is the only one that cannot be cured, slowed, or prevented.  As of 2015, 5.3 million Americans of […]


pet therapy for seniors

Seniors and Pet Therapy

Every day, people flock to YouTube to watch videos of pets as a form of entertainment and stress relief. Those benefits could be even more present in the life of your senior loved one if they had a pet of their own.  According to the pet therapy organization Paws for People, interacting with a gentle […]


senior pain care management

Pain Care for the Elderly

Chronic pain is defined as pain that continues and/or grows worse over a long period of time.  According to the National Institutes of Health, 50 percent of older adults who live on their own, and 75 to 85 percent of those in care facilities, suffer from chronic pain.  This constant pain results in a variety […]


senior fire safety

Fire Safety for Older Adults

According to the National Fire Protection Association, adults age 65 and over are twice as likely to be injured or killed by fire when compared to the general population.  Regardless of if you have an aging parent living in your home or on their own, precautions need to be taken to ensure maximum safety in […]