How Much Do Medical Alert Systems Cost
A little peace of mind can go a long way for older adults who live at home alone or with a partner. Many seniors live with medical conditions that can increase their risk of falling, and they can feel nervous about completing tasks inside and outside of their homes due to the fear of falling. […]

How the Symphony Can Benefit Seniors
When a certain song comes on the radio, you can find yourself transported back in time to a memory from your childhood. Music is special that way, always stimulating the brain in unexpected and different ways. Symphony music can have similar results for cognitive stimulation, especially in older adults. Here’s why heading to see an […]

Home Health Care vs. Home Care
More than 80% of seniors say they want to live at home for as long as possible in retirement. However, as aging can make adults more prone to chronic pain or other complex conditions, living at home alone or with a partner is not always realistic or safe. Fortunately, visiting caregivers can often be the […]

FastHelp Medical Alert Pros and Cons
When it comes to medical alert devices, today’s adult has many more choices than they did just twenty years ago. If you are looking for a no-frills service at a lower cost, FastHelp might be the medical alert system for you. However, you will be giving up a few key features that could come in […]

Can You Trust Online Reviews?
When you are ready to make an investment in a service or a product, you want to know for sure if you are going to have a good experience. There are plenty of ways to research your potential new purchase but perhaps the best is to ask for a review from someone you know who […]

Best Online Exercise Programs for Seniors
It’s never too late to begin healthy habits, including exercise. In fact, the benefits of exercise for older adults occur even with moderate movement goals. No matter if you are a beginner or if you are looking to supplement your routine while staying socially distant from the gym, online workouts can be the perfect solution. […]

Balance Boards for Seniors: Can They Reduce Fall Risk?
Although older adults are at an increased risk of falling, ending up in the emergency room does not have to be inevitable as you age. While certain medical conditions and chronic issues can certainly increase risk factors associated with falling, adapting the right habits into your lifestyle can decrease your chances of falling. One unique […]

Surprising Benefits of Zumba for Elderly People
Have you experienced a group fitness class that is fun, social, and helps you break a sweat? If you are searching for your next fitness obsession, Zumba might just be it. Don’t worry if you feel like you might not be in the age demographic or have the right fitness level. Zumba is perhaps one […]

Medical Alert ID Bracelet Guide
If you have a chronic health condition, take medication on a rigorous schedule, or if you just need peace of mind that first responders can contact your loved ones in case of emergency, a medical alert bracelet is a perfect solution. Reading through Bay Alarm Medical reviews will help you find a medical alert solution […]

Winter Safety Tips for Seniors
The winter season can be especially dangerous for older adults. Between the snow and ice, chilly temperatures, and the social isolation, it is no wonder why many seniors end up in emergency rooms or their doctor’s office more often in the winter months. Fortunately, you can combat the challenges of winter with just a few […]

Consider This Before Buying a Medical Alert System
Are you curious if a medical alert system would be the best solution for yourself or for your senior loved one? Fortunately, medical alert systems with fall detection are an excellent option for many situations, as it provides a resource that supports health and wellness at home and on the go. Older adults can benefit […]

AARP Discounts You Should Know About
In 1947, Ethel Percy Andrus founded the National Retired Teachers Foundation. She hoped the foundation would encourage others to pursue healthy aging habits, as well as find ways to leverage her group to get better health insurance coverage for retired teachers. Just ten years after it was founded, the National Retired Teachers Foundation decided […]